Wow, it's already August. Summer sure is flying by, isn't it? Before we know it, September will be here and with it, the start of a new school year. Are you ready?
For us, prep includes going through the boxes sent to us by the school our boys are enrolled in. Last year was our first "school at home" year after exclusively homeschooling with a more unschool approach. We enjoyed the flexibility offered by this school and the teacher was wonderful to work with and helped us adjust and navigate the curriculum to fit the needs of our boys. Within the next couple of weeks, we will dig through and sort the grade three workbooks into the order we think would best suit this family. In addition to the grade three work for our boys, we'll be adding a bit of preschool work for our daughter. Last year she was happy to colour and watch as her brothers did their work, this year, she'll get to participate.
Whether you homeschool or send your children to a brick-and-mortar school, there are always things to prepare. Do you have a supplies list from your school? Have you already purchased everything you need and have it boxed up and ready to go or are you a last-minute shopper? Does the thought of getting everything ready stress you out?
In addition to school supplies is the change from the often lax summer routine to the more rigid school days. How are you preparing for the change? Our children do best when they have plenty of warning of an upcoming transition so one of the things we do is mark it on the calendar with a bit of a countdown. (We recognize that this works for our children but it could cause anxiety for others.) We'll also begin to do more structured activities in what will be school time the week before school starts, just to get them ready to go.
The next school year is on the horizon.
Are you ready?